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Poor Indoor Air Quality – Signs and Symptoms

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Poor Indoor Air Quality – Signs and Symptoms

During spring and summer days, allergies constantly start to show up, disturbing your whole routine. But have you ever wondered why these allergies occur? The chief reason might be poor indoor air quality (IAQ), resulting from the uncleaned air duct.

Further, we will explore the signs and symptoms of poor indoor air quality so that you can take suitable action.

Symptoms of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Poor Indoor Air Quality


Having an air duct in your home comes with the mishap of contamination over time. Frequent usage of air ducts accumulates dirt and dust, making your indoor air quality contaminated with harmful particles.

Therefore, the polluted air causes several allergies in the family members. Below are the symptoms you might notice by having the poor air quality:

  • Sneezing, coughing, or wheezing
  • Frequent headaches
  • Sinus congestion (postnasal drip, stuffy nose)
  • Nausea 
  • Fatigue

The above physical symptoms can be caused by a potent amount of the following air pollutants:

  • Mold
  • Pollen & other allergens
  • Pet dander
  • VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
  • Radon
  • Carbon monoxide 

Air Duct Inspection

Moreover, you can notice signs of poor IAQ with a brief inspection of your air duct. When you inspect, notice:

  • The excessive dust.
  • Notice any mold growth.
  • Check condensation on basement walls.
  • See for dirty or clogged air filters.
  • Carefully check any air leaks around windows & doors or indoor drafts.
  • Above all, you can connect with a professional air duct cleaning company to inspect and clean your air duct thoroughly and enhance your indoor air quality.

How to prevent issues from poor IAQ?

Poor Indoor Air Quality


The best way to enhance the indoor air quality of your home or office is to connect with a trusted heating, cooling, and ventilation expert that understands how your house works as an interconnected system.

According to the US department of energy, a dirty condenser coil can increase compressor energy consumption by 30%. Therefore, by having regular coil cleaning, you can save money on energy bills by 30%. 

We are introducing Air Super Clean, which provides some most efficient and affordable air duct cleaning services for your convenience.

We help residents and businesses to improve their air quality by reducing the infiltration of unfiltered outside air and increasing filtration and ventilation inside the home or office.

So, you don’t need to deal with poor indoor air quality when you have reliable services near your area. However, everyone must prioritize their health and ensure that they breathe good air in their home or office.

So when you call the professional service providers, they will thoroughly clean your air ducts and give your indoor air a healthy boost. 

Final Words

Poor indoor air quality has always been popular to cause throat, nose, and skin allergies. But you can always get rid of it by having professional air duct cleaning services. 

Air duct cleaning improves the air quality and is beneficial in lowering your energy bills, extending the life span of the duct, stabilizing the indoor temperature, and preventing any unnecessary repairs. 

Call Air Super Clean today and get discounted air duct cleaning services!

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