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5 Mold Prevention Tips for Rainy Days

5 Mold Prevention Tips

5 Mold Prevention Tips for Rainy Days

Fixing mold damage is an expensive and time-consuming home repair. But you can save time and money with these 5 Mold Prevention Tips.  As the Rain starts, water will start flowing in those places where it doesn’t belong.

Especially in areas with high water tables, residents will be dealing with flooding problems and roof leaks. When water becomes trapped in those restricted sections of a house, Mold Prevention is challenging in that type of situation.

Here, this blog will discuss five Mold Prevention tips for rainy days.

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1. Air purifiers to the rescue

Despite all your best efforts to control moisture levels indoors, there are high chances that it will not be enough when it’s constantly raining outside.

It would help if you had an air purifier that would act as a dehumidifier and purify the air inside your house of all the VOCs and other toxic gases. It will maintain a constant humidity level and absorb odor, letting you breathe in the fresh air.

2. Heat

Mold Prevention is essential if you want to keep enjoying a healthy life and remove dampness by heating the house for a short time. Then open doors and windows to let out the moisture-laden air.

We should use an exhaust fan to force it out. Air in closets and other small areas can be dry continuously using electric light. 

3. Prevent moisture with proper ventilation

Your routine domestic activities encourage the growth of mold in your home. Make sure an activity like cooking dinner, taking a shower, or doing a load of laundry doesn’t invite mold by providing proper ventilation in your bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, and any other high-moisture area.

Use air conditioners and dehumidifiers but ensure that they don’t produce moisture and clean them as the manufacturer directs. Your energy-efficient home may be holding water inside, so open a window when cooking or washing dishes or showering, or run an exhaust fan.

4. Use of vinegar

Distilled white vinegar can kill 82 percent of mold species for continued mold prevention in problem areas. Spray the vinegar directly on the moldy surface. Let it sit for an hour until the mold absorbs the vinegar.

Then clean off with hot water and brush and clean the area with hot water and wipe dry.

5. Repair leaks

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It’s a good idea to keep in charge of your home’s plumbing. Even small leaks will eventually lead to a severe mold problem.

Once or twice a month, you should check all the open pipes in your home since rain leaks are one of the leading causes of mold.

Investigate the lines under the sinks, behind the toilet, and running through the basement. If left unchecked, you could have a severe health hazard on your hands by the time you discover the leak.

Final words

However, even after all the precautions against mold during rain, mold will still find its way inside your home. Mold prevention is a conservation activity performed in our commercial or residential. Getting your house tested is a sure-shot solution to eradicate the problem once and for all.

Professional help for mold testing will lead you to the root of the cause and give a fair idea of the severity of the problem.

We hope the Mold prevention tips will help you in preventing mold growth in your home. We have the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certificate, which makes us the most reliable technicians and offers the finest air duct cleaning services.

Don’t take a chance on the potential health risks that mold and mildew can cause you and your family. When discovering mold in your home, rely on Air Super Clean‘s professional mold remediation services to clean up the mess.


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